1. Government Budget: A government budget is
annual statement showing receipts and expenditures during a fiscal year.
2. Objectives of Government Budget (i) Economic
growth (ii) Proper allocation of resources (iii) Generation of Employment (iv)
Economic stability (v) Economic equality (vi) Management of public enterprises
3. Public Goods Those goods which cannot
be provided through the market mechanism and hence, must be provided by the
government are called public goods.
4. Revenue Receipts Receipt which
neither create liability nor lead to reduction in assets are called revenue
receipts. Revenue receipts are further divided under two heads (i) Receipt form
Tax (a) Direct Tax (b) Indirect Tax (ii) Receipts from Non-Tax Revenue
5. Capital Receipts The receipts of
government which create liability or reduce financial assets are called
capital receipts. These receipts are classified under the following heads
(i) Market borrowings
(ii) Other borrowings and loans
(iii) Small savings
(iv) Provident fund and other deposits
(i) Market borrowings
(ii) Other borrowings and loans
(iii) Small savings
(iv) Provident fund and other deposits
6. Revenue Expenditure It
refers to the expenditure that does not result in the creation of assets
reduction of liabilities. The revenue expenditure is also of two types
(i) Plan revenue expenditure
(ii) Non-plan revenue expenditure
(i) Plan revenue expenditure
(ii) Non-plan revenue expenditure
7. Capital Expenditure It
refers to the expenditure which leads to creation of assets or reduction
in liabilities. e.g., defence capital, purchasing land, building etc.
8. Plan Expenditure The
expenditure to be incurred during the financial year on the development
and investment programmes under the current Five Year Plan is termed
as plan expenditure.
9. Non-Plan Expenditure All
expenditures of government not included in the current Five-Year Plan is
termed as non-plan expenditure.
10. Deficit Budget If
government expenditures exceed the government receipts, it is called
deficit budget.
(i) Revenue Deficit (RD) = Total
Revenue Expenditure – Total Revenue Receipts
(ii) Fiscal Deficit (FD) = Total Budget Expenditure – Total Budget Receipts excluding borrowing Or Fiscal Deficit = Borrowing
(iii) Primary Deficit (PD)=Fiscal Deficit Interest Payment
(ii) Fiscal Deficit (FD) = Total Budget Expenditure – Total Budget Receipts excluding borrowing Or Fiscal Deficit = Borrowing
(iii) Primary Deficit (PD)=Fiscal Deficit Interest Payment
11. Measures to Reduce Fiscal
(i) Reduce public expenditure
(ii) Increasing revenue from taxation and other measures
(ii) Increasing revenue from taxation and other measures
12. Discretionary
Fiscal Policy If investment falls and government
spending can be raised so that autonomous expenditure and equilibrium
remain the same. This deliberate action to stabilise the economy is
often referred to as discretionary fiscal policy.
12. Discretionary
Fiscal Policy If investment falls and government
spending can be raised so that autonomous expenditure and equilibrium
remain the same. This deliberate action to stabilise the economy is
often referred to as discretionary fiscal policy.
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