Friday, 23 June 2017



Good : In economics a good is defined as any physical object, man-made, that could command a price in the market. Consumption Goods : Those goods which satisfy human wants directly.
Capital Goods : Those final goods which help in production. These goodsare used for generating income.
Final Goods are those goods which are used either for final consumption or for investment.
Intermediate Goods refers to those goods and services which are used for further production or for resale. These goods do not fulfil needs of mankind directly.
Investment : Addition made to the physical stock of capital during a period is called investment. It is also called capital formation.
Depreciation : means fall in value of fixed capital goods due to normal wear and tear and expected obsolescence.
Gross Investment : Total addition made to physical stock of capital during a period of time. It includes depreciation.
Net Investment : Net addition mate to the real stock of capital during a period of time. It excludes depreciation.
Net Investment = Gross investment – Depreciation.
Stocks : Variables whose magnitude is measured at a particular point of time are called stock variables. Eg. National Wealth, Inventory etc.
Flows : Variables whose magnitude is measured over a period of time are called flow variable. Eg. National income, change in stock etc
Circular flow of income : It refers to continuous flow of goods and services and money income among different sectors in the economy. It is circular in nature. It has neither any end and nor any beginning point.
Leakage : It is the amount of money which is withdrawn from circular flow of income. For eg. Taxes, Savings and Import.
Injection : It is the amount of money which is added to the circular flow of income. For e.g. Govt. Exp., investment and exports.
Economic Territory : Economic (or domestic) Territory is the geographicalterritory administrated by a Government within which persons, goods, and capital circulate freely.
Scope of Economic Territory :
(a) Political frontiers including territorial waters and airspace.
(b) Embassies, consulates, military bases etc. located abroad.
(c) Ships and aircraft operated by the residents between two or more countries.
(d) Fishing vessels, oil and natural gas rigs operated by residents in the international waters.
Normal Resident of a country : is a person or an institution who ordinarily resides in a country and whose centre of economic interest lies in that country.
Domestic Aggregates
Gross domestic Product at Market Price (GDPMP) is the market value of all the final goods and services produced by all producing units located in the domestic territory of a country during an Accounting year.
Net Domestic Product at Market Price (NDPMP) : NDPMP = GDPMP –Depreciation (consumption of Fixed capital)
Domestic Income : (NDPFC) : It is the factor income accruing to owners of factors of production for suppling factor services with in domestic territory during an accounting year.

1 comment:

  1. Sir,can you explain how the price of related goods influence the demand(in microeconomics)????
