Tuesday 7 June 2022

How to Get Good Grades in Economics (Co-authored by César de León, M.Ed.)


How to Get Good Grades in Economics

Co-authored by César de León, M.Ed.

To do well in economics, you must develop a deep understanding of economic theories, developments in the field, and applied math. Stay current by reading newspapers and magazines like the Financial Times and the Economist. To ace your classes, take good notes, form a study group, and ask for assistance when necessary.


Being a Diligent Student in Class

1. Prepare before class. 

2. Sit toward the front. 

3. Take good notes. 
4. Participate in class.
5. Be a smart test-taker.



Building Smart Study Habits

1.      Review your notes after class.

2.      Analyze graphs thoroughly. 

3.      Complete homework assignments early.

4.      Study for exams gradually. 

5.      Create a study guide.

6.      Visit office hours. 

7.      Keep your goals in mind. 


Reinforcing Economic Knowledge

1.      Start a study group. 

2.      Apply your economic knowledge to everyday situations. 

3.      Tutor a younger student. 




Getting to Know Economics

1.    Develop an understanding of economic theories, history, and practice. 

2.    Watch the news.

3.    Attend on-campus lectures. 

César de León, M.Ed.
Assistant Principal

César de León is an Educational Leadership Consultant and currently serves as an Assistant Principal for the Austin Independent School District in Austin, TX. 
